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We believe that the digital experience shouldn’t leave you feeling drained. GOLDEN Kids NYC celebrates the niche, the unique and those of us who still look to be inspired online.

This is safe space for the for the thinkers, the dreamers and those who want an escape from the superficiality of the modern digital landscape. Come through and relax in this corner of the internet.

GOLDEN Kids is an outlet for the celebration of life and art created by Malachi. Over the the years, it launched a podcast that Malachi hosts, engineers, and edits called GOLDEN Radio. In 2024, the platform is expanding outside of the internet, as Malachi plans on putting on events in NYC such as a poetry slam and live music showcases.



A magazine Malachi created for his platform in 2024. Below is Issue 0. The Golden World project combines a lot of Malachi’s skills as a poet, editor, storyteller, essayist and curator.